Image Consulting

Do you know your style? Is your style out of focus?


By considering our body shape, personality and budget, a style consultation will help you select clothes and accessories that flatter your shape, make you look great and feel more confident.

A Style consultation shows you how to:

  • Select the most flattering styles for your body style

  • Express your personality through your wardrobe

  • Focus during shopping – shop smarter, reducing time and frustration

  • Dress with confidence, whatever the occasion

Signia – Silhouette Analysis - $125

What type of hair styles or eye glass shapes look best on you? Do you know what is your best style in clothing, neckline, or accessories? Discover this and more with a Signia Consultation, a computerized silhouette analysis.

As you find out your face shape and body balance, you will learn what styles harmonize the best with you, as well as how to enhance your best features, de-emphasize figure flaws, and add or minimize height and weight.

You will also learn what clothing qualities to look for and how to coordinate a versatile wardrobe. A guidebook written just for you is included to assist you when shopping.


Color Analysis - $125

Discover your best colors!

When you are wearing your best colors, your skin looks smoother, your eyes are brighter, and you look healthier. From the analysis results, a custom palette is made of 40 colors that harmonize with your coloring. Advice is given on wardrobe coordination. The palette is small enough to carry in your purse and is perfect for shopping.  You will apply your best makeup colors with some new techniques which completes your transformation.

Closet Audit – Assessing Your Wardrobe - $65 per hour (2-hour minimum)

You generally wear only 10% of what is in your closet. Find out how to avoid wasting the other 90%. Let me help you with advice on what to get rid of, what to buy, and how to coordinate your wardrobe. We will go shopping in your closet and help you put together outfits that suit your coloring, figure and personal life style. You also get tips on simplifying your wardrobe. Clear the closet cutter and enjoy a wardrobe that works!

Personal Shopping - $65 per hour (2-hour minimum)

If you want to be sure you are investing wisely in your wardrobe purchases, I will shop with you to ensure the pieces you purchase fit with your lifestyle, coloring and figure.  I will also suggest pieces that interchange so that you have more versatility and save money in the long run.

By appointment only: (919)-271-3543, cell
